In September 2012, the way of submission to Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae
(SCMJ) was changed. Submissions should be sent electronically (in PDF file) to the
editorial office of International Society for Mathematical Sciences (ISMS).
(1) Preparation of files and Submission
a. Authors who would like to submit their papers to the SCMJ should make
source files of their papers in LaTeX2e using the ISMS style file (scmjlt2e.sty)
Submissions should be in PDF file compiled from the source files. Send the
PDF file to
b. Prepare a Submission Form and send it to the ISMS. The required items to
be contained in the form are:
1. Editorfs name whom the author chooses from the Editorial Board
(Editorial Board)and would like to take in
charge of the paper for refereeing.
2. Title of the paper.
3. Authorsf names.
4. Corresponding authorfs name, e-mail address and postal address (affiliation).
5. Membership number in case the author is an ISMS member.
Japanese authors should write 3 and 4 both in English and in Japanese.
Submission Form, the author can find the
Submission Form. Fulfill the Form and sent it to the editorial office by pushing
the button gtransmissionh. Or, without using the Form, the author may send
an e-mail containing the items 1-5 to
(2) Registration of Papers
When the editorial office receives both a PDF file of a submitted paper and a
Submission Form, we register the paper. We inform the author of the
registration number and the received date. At the same time, we send the PDF
file to the editor whom the author chooses in the Submission Form and request
him/her to begin the process of refereeing. (Authors need not send their papers to
the editor they choose.)
(3) Reviewing Process
a. The editor who receives, from the editorial office, the PDF file and the request
of starting the reviewing process, he/she will find an appropriate referee for
the paper.
b. The referee sends a report to the editor. When revision of the paper is
necessary, the editor informs the author of the refereefs opinion.
c. Based on the referee report, the editor sends his/her decision (acceptance of
rejection) to the editorial office.
(4) a. Managing Editor of the SCMJ makes the final decision to the paper valuing the
editorfs decision, and informs it to the author.
b. When the paper is accepted, we ask the author to send us a source file and
a PDF file of the final manuscript.
c. The publication charges for the ISMS members are free if the membership dues
have been paid without delay. If the authors of the accepted papers are not the
ISMS members, they should become ISMS members and pay \8,000 (US$80, Euro75)
as the membership dues for a year, or should just pay the same amount without
becoming the members.
Items required in Submission Form
1. Editorfs name who the authors wish will take in charge of the paper
2. Title of the paper
3. Authorsf names
3'. 3. in Japanese for Japanese authors
4. Corresponding authorfs name and postal address (affiliation)
4'. 4. in Japanese for Japanese authors
5. ISMS membership number
6. E-mail address
Attention !!
We (staffs of ISMS) always do our best to handle contributed papers carefully.
However, they are treated fairly infrequently as a junkmail due to malfunction
of our mail sorting system.
Never fail to ask us whether your paper reaches us in case that you can not get
any E-mails from us (ISMS) more than two weeks after sending it by E-mail.